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Molybdenum wire

Molybdenum wire features in good high temperature performance, high hardness, high density, good electrical conductivity, high corrosion resistance, good thermal conductivity and other important properties.

Application area

Xiamen Honglu has a large-size molybdenum rolling machine, which is unique in Asia. By adopting fast hot rolling process, and big deformation from φ70mm to φ5.5mm, molybdenum wire with round cross-section has a highly dense and uniform micro-structure and Its cracks and surface defects are greatly improved compared with traditional process. Based on this wire raw material and the subsequent unique drawing process, the final finished molybdenum wire has a great advantage in tensile strength. Therefore, it can withstand higher current, faster rotation speed and greater pulling force. Now, molybdenum wire from Xiamen Honglu has overcome the working conditions in EDM cutting machine 5A, 8A and 12A gradually, and cutting efficiency is improved rapidly.

Molybdenum wire produced by large deformation process has uniform micro-particle size, and fine and homogeneous microstructure. The products sprayed by molybdenum wire from Xiamen Honglu as consumables have smooth and uniform spraying layer without noise, and stronger wear resistance.




Molybdenum wire

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