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High Temperature Furnace Parts

Used in high-temperature furnaces (such as Aluminum nitride and quartz industries) as parts with high temperature ablation resistance.

Used in high-temperature furnaces (such as Aluminum nitride and quartz industries) as parts with high temperature ablation resistance.

Application fields: Industrial Furnace

Xiamen Honglu has the ability to design and manufacture tungsten and molybdenum hot zone, and is able to provide customers with tungsten and molybdenum components and overall solutions for a full set of hot zones in aluminum nitride crystal growth furnaces, and is in domestic leading level.

In the quartz furnace, tungsten lanthanum mandrel is used to hang shaper and produce thick wall quartz tube of semiconductor grade. Xiamen Honglu owns the most advanced 10MN fast forging machine in China. The tungsten lanthanum mandrel produced features in high density, developed and uniform fiber structure and strong deformation resistance.

Shape:?W & W alloy (W-La) Rod and irregular parts, all could be customized.


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