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People-oriented, creating a safe and healthy working environment

2020-08-14 15:26:25

On August 3, 2020, Xiamen Honglu obtained the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system certification issued by the China Quality Certification Center (CQC), and successfully completed the conversion from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001. This is the company's first to complete the conversion of OHSAS-related certification standards in accordance with the requirements of national regulations. The issuance of the management system certification means that Xiamen Honglu is closely following the international advanced management model in occupational health and safety management, and has taken a new step on the road of standardized, standardized management and sustainable development.


Since its establishment, the company has attached great importance to occupational health and safety management and continuously strengthened system construction. In order to better build the occupational health and safety environment of employees, reduce and prevent the loss of life, property and time caused by accidents, and effectively eliminate and minimize the risks related to the activities of the employer that employees and other relevant personnel may suffer. This time, through the overall planning, establishment of regulations, deployment and implementation, formulation of detailed work plans, through internal audit, management review, external audit and other links, through the China Quality Certification Center (CQC) audit and certification, to complete the process from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 convert.

As a high-tech enterprise, Xiamen Honglu actively adopts new technologies, new processes and new materials in the production process, and is committed to improving the working environment, eliminating and reducing occupational health and safety risks, and ensuring sustainable and stable operation. As an enterprise with a sense of social responsibility, Xiamen Honglu attaches great importance to occupational health and safety management. Employees create a safe and healthy work environment. By carrying out safety training and education, implementing preventive and management measures, establishing accountability systems, etc., effectively operate full-staff, whole-process and all-round occupational health and safety management, enhance occupational health and safety risk awareness and self-protection ability of all employees, and ensure The safety of personnel and property provides a strong guarantee for the safe and stable development of the company.

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