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[Lean Promotion] Xiamen Tungsten International Advanced Manufacturing Summit 2021 ended successfully

2021-09-07 16:31:37

On August 30, Honglu colleagues and benchmark lean consultants went to Xiamen Tungsten Headquarters to participate in the 2021 International Advanced Manufacturing Summit of "Advanced Manufacturing Powers Our Country".

Zhang Jianxin, the chief commander of the lean project, shared the achievements and experience of Xiamen Honglu IAM.

A total of three colleagues in our company came to the stage to accept the award!

[Tu Zhilong and Yan Jialong won the IAM Advanced Individual Award]

[Lin Lirong won the Outstanding Member Award of the IAM Collaboration Committee]

On the morning of August 31, the branch venue of Xiamen Tungsten International Advanced Manufacturing Summit 2021 was officially launched. More than 30 people from the general commander, director and core backbone of the promotion office of Xiamen Tungsten Industry's subsidiaries came to Honglu to visit and study. The purpose of this visit is to actively understand the development and mental process of Honglu in the implementation of international advanced manufacturing.

Under the leadership of Chen Jiangyan, chief of the filament manufacturing department, and Wang Hualin, an electrical design engineer, the participants visited the filament workshop of tungsten wire No. 1 and the production workshop of equipment manufacturing department in turn.

At the end of the workshop site visit, all the participants came to the Lean War Room to exchange information on the progress and mental process of the implementation of Honglu IAM.

Production Management Department, General Affairs Department, Mould Department, and Lean Office came to the stage in turn to share experience and display results of improvement projects.


After listening to the introduction of the results reported by the head of the department, the participants discussed and exchanged their thoughts, confusions and future suggestions in the process of lean implementation.


To create "international advanced manufacturing" is an important move towards a global benchmark. Honglu will continue to forge ahead!

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