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Xiamen Honglu

2022-08-15 17:06:42

On August 18, 2016, Xiamen Honglu "Join Hands for Improvement and Sustainable Development" Partner Conference was successfully held in the conference room on the 4th floor of Xiamen Honglu Liansheng Factory. The meeting gathered nearly 60 WEDMs from all over the country. Molybdenum Wire Partner.

? ? ?The meeting started on time at 8:30 in the morning and was presided over by Mr. Wang Ping, Manager of the First Department of Domestic Marketing. At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Peng Fusheng, Deputy General Manager of Honglu Technology and General Manager of Xiamen Tungsten Tungsten and Molybdenum Wire Division, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of General Manager of Honglu; Mr. Wei Zongxing, Marketing Director of the Department, gave a brief introduction to Xiamen Tungsten Industry and Honglu Company, and shared in detail the O2P business strategy of "online end-user interaction, offline dealer transactions" of wire-cut molybdenum wire and the use of the current platform to extend and expand Business, marketing ideas for sustainable development.


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